The Furniture Fancier Home Decor Dog Easy Walk Harness: How To Choose it?

Dog Easy Walk Harness: How To Choose it?

Dog easy walk harnesses are known as walking goods for dogs. This item is premeditated to be attached to the dog’s body, and is recommended for those who are concerned about try on the dog’s trachea or those who have a dog that tends to pull. However, dog harnesses come in a variety of shapes and types, and many people may be confused about which one to choose.

Difference between harness and collar

Benefits of harness

The advantage of using an easy walk harness is that you put up enjoy your daily walks while reducing the burden on your dog. Even if you pull the leash with strong force, the neck will not tighten up easily, and the pulling force will be dispersed over the torso. It is especially suitable for small dogs with narrow down necks and dogs who are concerned about the strain on their metabolic process system.

Many products come with handles that take into account you to directly control your dog’s movements, making it possible to handle sudden jumps. If you choose a product that is the correct size up for your dog’s body, it will be uncheckable for the dog to slip away out and tighten the lay on the line of it escaping.

We also have a wide range of products with excellent design. One of the charms of easy walk harnesses is that they can be enjoyed like classy forge items.

Advantages of Collars

The advantage of a collar is that it is easy to train your dog to walk. The dog can be easily controlled by simply pulling the leash, so the owner’s commands tin be conveyed to the dog and the tag along can be chop-chop controlled. It’s easy to put on and take off, and you can quickly get ready for a walk.

Another point is that it is easy to attach the dog’s license tag and rabies vaccination tag. Since it is required by practice of law to wear a license mark up and shot mark on your dog, a collar that can be drawn at all times, even when not walking, is suitable.

Also convenient for attaching name tags and lost child tags. Even if your dog gets separated, a collar will make it easier to say that it’s your pet, which will come in handy in an emergency.

How to choose a dog harness

Select by Shape

Easy walk harnesses can be roughly divided into three types: the type that goes around the neck, the type that goes over both shoulders, and the vest type. Let’s understand the characteristics of each and the type of dog it is suitable for.

Type Worn Around the Neck (figure 8 shape)

The type that hangs around the neck (figure 8 shape) is suitable for dogs that tend to pull or large dogs. When your dog pulls too hard, it puts pressure on its neck, so it won’t pull as much as necessary. It is also suitable for puppies that are being trained, as it is easy to convey instructions from the owner and control the dog.

Type That Goes Through Both Shoulders

A harness that goes through both shoulders is suitable for dogs with weak metabolic process systems or older dogs. Since it does not put pressure on the dog’s trachea, it can be used safely without causing the dog to cough. On the other hand, the disadvantages are that it is difficult for the dog to understand instruction from the owner, and even if the chase away pulls, it does not put any stress on the dog’s body, so the chase away will pull with altogether its might. Recommended for well-trained adult dogs and dogs with bronchial problems.

Vest Type

This design is a great deal seen in oversewn easy walk harnesses made by individuals. many patterns have metal fittings on the back down of the clothes for the lead to pass through, gift it a super stylish appearance. On the other hand, since they are made from the same fabric as regular clothes, they lack durability and tear easily, so thither are concerns about their safety. It is trump to limit your use to photograph shoots, etc., and avoid using it piece walking or traveling.

Choose Based on Functionality from the Owner’s Perspective

The next thing I would like to focus on is functionality from the owner’s perspective.

When choosing a harness, pay attention to whether it is easy to convey commands to your dog, control it, and whether it is easy to put on and take off. Also, if you often take walks after dark, one option is to purchase items with reflectors or reflective tape for nighttime safety. Harnesses with handles on the back are useful in situations where you want to quickly control your dog, such as when your dog tries to jump on another dog or a human.

For medium to large dogs that tend to pull, it is effective to use products that attach to the muzzle or products that have a leash buckle attached to the sternum.

Choose Based on Material and Durability

It is also important that the easy walk harness used for daily walks is durable. When choosing a material, consider whether it can withstand the load and does not fade easily even after washing.

Characteristics of each material include that synthetic leather deteriorates quickly over time, mesh is prone to holes, and Velcro tends to weaken its adhesive function, and dogs may be startled by noise.

Pay attention not only to the fabric, but also to the durability and quality of the metal fittings. Be careful with cheap plastic fittings like those sold at 100 yen shops, as they are not very durable.

Also, highly designed harnesses that are integrated with clothing tend to have poor functionality and durability. Please keep in mind that if you choose a dog based on its design, the owner will be responsible for the functionality.

Dog easy walk harnesses made and sold by individuals are expensive due to the high cost of materials, but they are not guaranteed to be strong. Lately, there has been an increase in the number of accidents caused by the metal buckle breaking even after purchasing an expensive item.

In order to use a dog easy walk harness with peace of mind, it is best to choose one from a manufacturer with a proven track record as a dog product or a product recommended by professionals.

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